What a “strange” bass guitar this bass is… I’ve never planned to play and use this Fender Bass V exclusively, but here we are: this instrument has only one sound, but it feels and plays great! It is a superbly comfortable and well-defined instrument to hold and play… The beauty that was crafted back in October of 1967. I’m very grateful and privileged (to be able to use this instrument). Here is the link to prove it: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=745977994164584&ref=sharing

Dear friends in #Portland, ME, please mark your calendars and come down to support our first-time performance at Blue Portland Maine Live Music Venue Band futures:

Hiroaki Honshuku – flutes, and EWI, Arthur Sadowsky – el. bass, and Charlie Steiner – drums.

Starting @ 9 PM. Get your reservations at this link – https://tinyurl.com/yz6x97pa

More info on Facebook: https://fb.me/e/1IPteTxuw

My very last show of 2023 was with the Dave Keller Band in Tunbridge, Vermont (a small, friendly people town in the middle of nowhere). We’ve played well into the early hours of 2024! We couldn’t stop playing, it was so much fun! And that, my good friends, would be the wrap-up for my 2023 extensive gigging schedule 🥂🍾🎵🕺 Happy New Year, everybody 🎉🙏🙏

I got this origami last year as a gift for Thanksgiving from a little boy, my student at that time, who called these two birds Love and Hope… These two words that make this old planet – our home – go around and around… I wish you all, my good people, a happy Thanksgiving! Be safe and appreciate what you already have 🙏🎶

Oh, Jaco, dear Jaco, who loves you, Jaco??